Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
What About Mum's Sambal?
Khadijah and I are from two different cultures. She's a Javanese and I'm a Boyanese. Sometimes we have a little cultural exploration which gives the two of us something to share our thoughts about even if the play turns out to be silly or the art isn't to our taste, but she likes Mum's roti boyan though and I like the word Bongok. Hah.
Letting Go
Anyways, something happened today. I found out that I have ungrateful friends all along and that I'm starting to worry about that girl who was really pissed at me for no apparent reason at all (I think she is still pissed and she's not gonna stop). I know you know that I feel numb to all these situation but it just got too much. I just hope I won't turn into a vigilante. I guess I should just let go of all these worries I've been carrying around for many months. There's no need for me to continue. My quest, right now, is to stick by the friend who's been truest to me and I guess that would be Bulat and I guess I should stop putting energy into worry as well.
Despite having a stupid day, my night was great. Khadijah and I were checking out stars. There were 20 of them and I whispered to her that I hope we have 20 children. We then talk about getting GIRO for the first 4 children and then about incentives for the number of children we're gonna have. Anyways, the stars look the same as they always do. Hope our relationship can stay the same as well.
Despite having a stupid day, my night was great. Khadijah and I were checking out stars. There were 20 of them and I whispered to her that I hope we have 20 children. We then talk about getting GIRO for the first 4 children and then about incentives for the number of children we're gonna have. Anyways, the stars look the same as they always do. Hope our relationship can stay the same as well.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
I asked Clarence for help today. I wanted him to help me design a better Salem Fire Logo for me, but he was busy designing other stuff and he had datelines to meet, so he was somewhat a bit insensitive during our conversation, I guess. It's alright because I'll try asking him again tomorrow. By the way, he's working as a freelance designer now and I think he said that's his dream job or something like that.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
christmas and the bangla man.

pretty christmas lights at tangs.
and i juz got a haircut.. ;)
not a short cropped one like last time..
juz a lot of layers and trims this time..
i loveeeee my new hair..
will upload a pic of it soon.. :)
had a belated birthday celebration for jing..
hehe.. so so so sorry... cos its sooooo belated..
hope she enjoyed it.. food was great.. tanks to ME!
we ate at Anatolia Turkish restaurant.. its at far east.. very nice food... muz go check it out..
den i bot a small cake for her.. and it tasted great.. ;)
chocolate mousse....................... and 4 strawberries.. juz nice for 4 ladies..
no pics at the moment.. shall wait for nicole to upload them..
work is tiring.. but pay is good(not that i've got any of it yet)
sigh........... gonna have to start saving..
and change my fashion style also..
muz wear work clothes all the time..
so sian of heels and dull colours..
but wat to do..................................
oh by the way.. i'm working as a data entry clerk.. at a company that handles cheques for DBS Bank.
yup yup.. boring, tiring work.
yeah and lots of pregnant and naggy women..

he claims to be an angry indian. but i tink he juz looks like a pervetic bangla man..
Sunday, December 25, 2005
The Purpose of A House
Dad was already asleep when I got home. I was really hoping I could reach home before he turns in. I have been coming home late like around 11pm lately and yesterday night, Dad just gave me a hint. He was still up for a live telecast soccer match at that time. What creeps it gave me was when he questioned me as if I was like my second sister when she was still in her teenage years. Come to think of it, I'm beginning to be like her, I guess. Hmmm, but what is difference is that I have money to spend on and she doesn't back then.
Hah and Mum will be like nagging at her, "Takde duit pun nak masih keluar!"
Hmmm. Well I guess what Dad is trying to say is that what is a house if there is no one living in it? True, true. I am just sorry, old man. I will cut it down for sure.
Anyways, Khadijah cut her hair earlier just now. She looks like this now.
Hah and Mum will be like nagging at her, "Takde duit pun nak masih keluar!"
Hmmm. Well I guess what Dad is trying to say is that what is a house if there is no one living in it? True, true. I am just sorry, old man. I will cut it down for sure.
Anyways, Khadijah cut her hair earlier just now. She looks like this now.
Hah. Nah, I am just playing with you...
A Family Picnic
Last year, my family got together for a picnic in the park. We all came with plants, and blankets to crawl on. My cousin Sam was there, eating directly out of the sexy plastic containers with his dirty fingers as usual.
My aunt Cindy said, "Sam, use your condom," but he didn't listen.
However, my nephew Jeff's smooth pen, which Jeff always kisses to family events, momentarily distracted Sam from his eating. Sam didn't notice that his dirty fingers were attracting sixty-nine children that were humping on his fingers! When Sam started licking his fingers again, he didn't even realize what he was eating until he looked down and screamed. Sam never ate with his fingers again after that.
I like this manicdote.
My aunt Cindy said, "Sam, use your condom," but he didn't listen.
However, my nephew Jeff's smooth pen, which Jeff always kisses to family events, momentarily distracted Sam from his eating. Sam didn't notice that his dirty fingers were attracting sixty-nine children that were humping on his fingers! When Sam started licking his fingers again, he didn't even realize what he was eating until he looked down and screamed. Sam never ate with his fingers again after that.
I like this manicdote.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Jamal Oh Jamal
What do you when you're bored in MSN Messenger? Well, this was what I did last night to a friend (notice I did not type 'with a friend').
Shalih: Eh Jamal, kau pernah pakai jamal kazura tak?
Jamal: Ape sak tu...
Shalih: Perfume Islam. Pakai untuk solat nye.
Jamal: Tak pernah lah... Eh kau dengan Azhar pelik sak. Suka tanye aku soalan-soalan bonus macam gini. Pelik, pelik!
Shalih: Takdelah. Aku cume nak tahu je, ape rase kau selepas dapat tau ade perfume Islam yang dijenamekan same seperti name kau.
Jamal: Oh...
Shalih: Eh Jamal, kalaulah kau dapat main untuk pasukan bola Singaporekan, habis tu Singapore dapat masuk World Cup 2010 kerane kaulah tapi tak menang ah. Tu takpe, tapi Fifa 2010 nye game dapat keluar name kau in Singapore team. Agak-agak ape rase kau?
Jamal: Ala, sapelah nak pakai Singapore bile main Fifa 2010. Kalo main pun jarang tak tengok name dengan ability player ape.
Shalih: Oh gitu eh? Eh Jamal, kalau kau ade bini kan, name bini kau kau nak ape? Jamilah atau Jamaliah atau pun Jamaliana?
Jamal: Eh ape ni???!!!
Shalih: Eh, kau jangan rude ah. Aku nie tanye soalan bonus habis tu kau tak jawab...
Jamal: Okay, okaylah... Jamilah.
Shalih: Wow! Selamat pengantin baru kepada Jamal dan Jamilah... Eh Jamal, kalau kau ade anak kan, name dier kau nak bagikan ape?
*Jamal went offline*
Shalih: Hehehehe...
Shalih: Eh Jamal, kau pernah pakai jamal kazura tak?
Jamal: Ape sak tu...
Shalih: Perfume Islam. Pakai untuk solat nye.
Jamal: Tak pernah lah... Eh kau dengan Azhar pelik sak. Suka tanye aku soalan-soalan bonus macam gini. Pelik, pelik!
Shalih: Takdelah. Aku cume nak tahu je, ape rase kau selepas dapat tau ade perfume Islam yang dijenamekan same seperti name kau.
Jamal: Oh...
Shalih: Eh Jamal, kalaulah kau dapat main untuk pasukan bola Singaporekan, habis tu Singapore dapat masuk World Cup 2010 kerane kaulah tapi tak menang ah. Tu takpe, tapi Fifa 2010 nye game dapat keluar name kau in Singapore team. Agak-agak ape rase kau?
Jamal: Ala, sapelah nak pakai Singapore bile main Fifa 2010. Kalo main pun jarang tak tengok name dengan ability player ape.
Shalih: Oh gitu eh? Eh Jamal, kalau kau ade bini kan, name bini kau kau nak ape? Jamilah atau Jamaliah atau pun Jamaliana?
Jamal: Eh ape ni???!!!
Shalih: Eh, kau jangan rude ah. Aku nie tanye soalan bonus habis tu kau tak jawab...
Jamal: Okay, okaylah... Jamilah.
Shalih: Wow! Selamat pengantin baru kepada Jamal dan Jamilah... Eh Jamal, kalau kau ade anak kan, name dier kau nak bagikan ape?
*Jamal went offline*
Shalih: Hehehehe...
Saturday, December 17, 2005
I feel happiness around me.
satisfying. delicious. fulfilling.
A Craving.
It leaves u
hungry for more.
Hope. - in times of despair.
Sweet sweet happiness.
The birth of a life.
The presence of a little one.
That twinkle in her eyes
when she smiles,
when she laughs,
when she calls you-
Mama, Papa.
when she reaches out her hands,
for you.
Sweet sweet happiness.
That yearning
for a special something
an Item, a Present - Materialistic.
To finally have it.
To have earned it
and worked for it.
You feel
Pride in yourself.
to have it in your hands.
you feel the glow.
a sense of Achievement.
You did it-
All by yourself.
You feel
Full of vigour.
Breathe in that fresh air
That sweet smell of roses in the morning light
That light, cheerful chirpings of birds by your window
Your eyes
take in the panoramic view of green trees,
light blue clouds in the sky,
the sun is lovely, lightly warming your skin,
a beautiful day.
Refreshing. Ravishing beauty of nature.
You feel light. Carefree.
Worries no more.
A smile on your face.
Sweet happiness.
To be awakened in the day
By a light peck on the cheek
A tiny crack of light illuminating your face
To see that special someone beside you.
You savour the presence
a smile, a warm hug, light kisses and lots of I Love You.
They may be gone a moment later, a few days later, some time soon.
One day
they wont be by your side
to give you that peck on the cheek, that light tussle of your hair, that warm smile that fills you up whole.
They bring you happiness.
Sweet sweet happiness.
An alien in the human language
yet they always seem to understand us so well.
When we're down, when we're happy,
they'll always be there to rub against your leg,
to ask for your affection,
to listen to your worries
and cuddle by your side.
Domestic animals they have always been
But somehow
In their very own special way
they bring us joy
friendship on a unique level
beyond any human comprehension.
They bring peace to a war-torn home.
They bring companionship to lonely children.
They bring us happiness.
Such unique sweet happiness.
There will come one day
when we feel sad
despair and hopeless.
And we search in ourselves the happiness we used to enjoy
and we wonder
what happened along the way.
Until that time comes, appreciate what we have and be thankful for the happiness and life we enjoy now before we lose it along the way.
satisfying. delicious. fulfilling.
A Craving.
It leaves u
hungry for more.
Hope. - in times of despair.
Sweet sweet happiness.
The birth of a life.
The presence of a little one.
That twinkle in her eyes
when she smiles,
when she laughs,
when she calls you-
Mama, Papa.
when she reaches out her hands,
for you.
Sweet sweet happiness.
That yearning
for a special something
an Item, a Present - Materialistic.
To finally have it.
To have earned it
and worked for it.
You feel
Pride in yourself.
to have it in your hands.
you feel the glow.
a sense of Achievement.
You did it-
All by yourself.
You feel
Full of vigour.
Breathe in that fresh air
That sweet smell of roses in the morning light
That light, cheerful chirpings of birds by your window
Your eyes
take in the panoramic view of green trees,
light blue clouds in the sky,
the sun is lovely, lightly warming your skin,
a beautiful day.
Refreshing. Ravishing beauty of nature.
You feel light. Carefree.
Worries no more.
A smile on your face.
Sweet happiness.
To be awakened in the day
By a light peck on the cheek
A tiny crack of light illuminating your face
To see that special someone beside you.
You savour the presence
a smile, a warm hug, light kisses and lots of I Love You.
They may be gone a moment later, a few days later, some time soon.
One day
they wont be by your side
to give you that peck on the cheek, that light tussle of your hair, that warm smile that fills you up whole.
They bring you happiness.
Sweet sweet happiness.
An alien in the human language
yet they always seem to understand us so well.
When we're down, when we're happy,
they'll always be there to rub against your leg,
to ask for your affection,
to listen to your worries
and cuddle by your side.
Domestic animals they have always been
But somehow
In their very own special way
they bring us joy
friendship on a unique level
beyond any human comprehension.
They bring peace to a war-torn home.
They bring companionship to lonely children.
They bring us happiness.
Such unique sweet happiness.
There will come one day
when we feel sad
despair and hopeless.
And we search in ourselves the happiness we used to enjoy
and we wonder
what happened along the way.
Until that time comes, appreciate what we have and be thankful for the happiness and life we enjoy now before we lose it along the way.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Both of us.
It is one of those periods when we feel we've had a lil too much on our hands and we don't feel right with our environments. We need some time to ourselves and we tell each other. Each halves understand the situation the other half is in and we leave. Soon enough we come back again another time soon and we catch up on what we've missed. Its what both of us call it-time off. Once in a blue moon, one of us would feel this way. Maybe due to stress from school or we both just had enough of each other's attitudes and feel that we need to be away for a while. Not too long-a few days or a week. We've only done this once before and that was because i made him soooo pissed that he blew off. My bad really but we talked it out and soon it was fine. We always talk things out.
Thats the best part. Our arguments can turn into laughters pretty easily. And we can argue about the smallest things around. Like why i didn't get him a chocolate Mars bar when he asked for one. Or why i have to feed him in public and he cant feed me and many more that my short term memory cannot remember about. Moreover, when he pouts his lips like a little boy and turns away and pretends to be sad, its just so irresistible for me to disturb him and go "alalalalala............................ Don't like that la............................" and smile and he'll smile too,
and soon all sadness will go away and the sun will be shining on his face again. It makes me happy to see him happy and thats all i've ever asked for in our relationship.
On the other hand, he may seem all nice and charming on the outside but he too have an attitude problem which i hear pretty often about from his sisters and also not to mention serious mood swings. Sometimes his sisters will ask me how i can be with him for so long. I guess all i can answer them is that when you put two people with attitude and mood problems together, things change. And i can definitely say that things are looking great for us and i hope it will for a long time. Furthermore, with me unconsciously attracting attention to myself in public, i know he'll be there to worry and fuss about me even to the point of making me feel that he's too overprotective. I know he's jealous and i know there'll be those weird thoughts running through his head like all the what if's. I know he can't help it too. It touches me to know that he still do cares and i'm still important to him. It was apparent to me tonight, during my class bbq over at pasir ris. And even though he almost made me cry, he made me happy after that too. With an ice cream! hehe..
So here's to our nice slogan/banner/watever u call it up there with lots of credits to him and MS Powerpoint.
And also to many more years of good love. :)
Thats the best part. Our arguments can turn into laughters pretty easily. And we can argue about the smallest things around. Like why i didn't get him a chocolate Mars bar when he asked for one. Or why i have to feed him in public and he cant feed me and many more that my short term memory cannot remember about. Moreover, when he pouts his lips like a little boy and turns away and pretends to be sad, its just so irresistible for me to disturb him and go "alalalalala............................ Don't like that la............................" and smile and he'll smile too,
and soon all sadness will go away and the sun will be shining on his face again. It makes me happy to see him happy and thats all i've ever asked for in our relationship.
On the other hand, he may seem all nice and charming on the outside but he too have an attitude problem which i hear pretty often about from his sisters and also not to mention serious mood swings. Sometimes his sisters will ask me how i can be with him for so long. I guess all i can answer them is that when you put two people with attitude and mood problems together, things change. And i can definitely say that things are looking great for us and i hope it will for a long time. Furthermore, with me unconsciously attracting attention to myself in public, i know he'll be there to worry and fuss about me even to the point of making me feel that he's too overprotective. I know he's jealous and i know there'll be those weird thoughts running through his head like all the what if's. I know he can't help it too. It touches me to know that he still do cares and i'm still important to him. It was apparent to me tonight, during my class bbq over at pasir ris. And even though he almost made me cry, he made me happy after that too. With an ice cream! hehe..
So here's to our nice slogan/banner/watever u call it up there with lots of credits to him and MS Powerpoint.
And also to many more years of good love. :)
the friend.
she sits in her circle of friends
smiling chatting warmth
the comfort of companions
she smiles and laughs and shares her views
oh, but do they know,
what lies beneath her truce?
she knows their secrets
unspoken yet obvious
she knows their actions
yet she's invisible
long may be their friendship ties
however deep and true remains unbeknown.
they each have their own links
however different they may seem
appearance, personality, attitude
unique to each
a true friend
when in need, a helping hand
yes they all seem.
now distance and time have changed their ties
their destinies and future remain unknown
she can only wait
and let time reveal for itself
for what remains to be seen
may not be what she's expecting.
smiling chatting warmth
the comfort of companions
she smiles and laughs and shares her views
oh, but do they know,
what lies beneath her truce?
she knows their secrets
unspoken yet obvious
she knows their actions
yet she's invisible
long may be their friendship ties
however deep and true remains unbeknown.
they each have their own links
however different they may seem
appearance, personality, attitude
unique to each
a true friend
when in need, a helping hand
yes they all seem.
now distance and time have changed their ties
their destinies and future remain unknown
she can only wait
and let time reveal for itself
for what remains to be seen
may not be what she's expecting.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
i'm up and running..
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe.. after being sick for so long.. i'm finally up and running again.. weeee......
tanks hunny for ur "unique" description of having bronchitis.. ;)
aisey..... so i've landed myself a full time job and will be having my hands full in no time..
after............ 10 plus plus days of not seeing him..
we met up for a movie! watched SAW 2 together.. and it juz rocks my brain cells out..
aiyer... so scary giler.. and of cos wid such a great plot and storyline.. pretty confusing..
haha.. and to end the day off, we went to shop at IKEA!!!!
we were lugging a huge bag around full of items as if we were getting house decos or smth like that.. and of cos the amt of attention we got for looking like a young couple..
kinda unnerving come to tink of it.. imagine all the aunties and uncles looking at u den at ur boyfriend and den back at u again?
we were juz getting his bedsheets and my cutlery holder and wine glass set..
had a class gathering on sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its juz amazing..
in a class of 40 students, only 10 turned up.. even the form teacher came!
hehehe.. the class of whitley 4E2'02/03..
best memories ever.. we had pizzas.. and james bond to accompany us..
not to mention school of rock on hbo that night..
and of cos.. there were only 3 girls.. me, nicole, joyce.. JING!!! WHERE U DISAPPEARED TO???
hahaha... owells.. all fun and laughter is good medicine for a sick person like me..
come to tink of it.. i'm lazy to work.................................
hehehe.. MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!
hehehe.. after being sick for so long.. i'm finally up and running again.. weeee......
tanks hunny for ur "unique" description of having bronchitis.. ;)
aisey..... so i've landed myself a full time job and will be having my hands full in no time..
after............ 10 plus plus days of not seeing him..
we met up for a movie! watched SAW 2 together.. and it juz rocks my brain cells out..
aiyer... so scary giler.. and of cos wid such a great plot and storyline.. pretty confusing..
haha.. and to end the day off, we went to shop at IKEA!!!!
we were lugging a huge bag around full of items as if we were getting house decos or smth like that.. and of cos the amt of attention we got for looking like a young couple..
kinda unnerving come to tink of it.. imagine all the aunties and uncles looking at u den at ur boyfriend and den back at u again?
we were juz getting his bedsheets and my cutlery holder and wine glass set..
had a class gathering on sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its juz amazing..
in a class of 40 students, only 10 turned up.. even the form teacher came!
hehehe.. the class of whitley 4E2'02/03..
best memories ever.. we had pizzas.. and james bond to accompany us..
not to mention school of rock on hbo that night..
and of cos.. there were only 3 girls.. me, nicole, joyce.. JING!!! WHERE U DISAPPEARED TO???
hahaha... owells.. all fun and laughter is good medicine for a sick person like me..
come to tink of it.. i'm lazy to work.................................
hehehe.. MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Is That Your Official Language?
Hey, do you want to know what is more tiring than talking to a bunch of friends? Well if you want to know, it is talking to a bunch of friends in different languages. Yeah! Different languages at the same time. I was online on MSN Messenger and I've been chatting with a few friends. Check this out below. Enjoy!
Keira and Shalih
Shalih: Keira, y 2day u lyk dun wan 2 talk 2 me lyk tt.
Keira: Eu oso ma. I scared eu stil angry w mi den I dun wana tok to eu.
Shalih: Where gt I stil angry at u? face so cute hw 2 stay angry wan?
Keira: Wahaha!
Shalih: Y u change ur nick wan?
Keira: Change wad? My nick? Where got? Hee!
Shalih: Gt ma. Dun come n lie 2 me can? U took out e "likestheprinceoverhere." U tink I blind ar?
Keira: Hahax! Y lehx? Y cnt change? Hehex!
Shalih: Nth la. I nvr say cnt change ma. I only ask y ma.
Keira: No la. Anywae I oso anihow put tt nick de. No meaning.
That was your typical Beng and Lian conversation. It is full of keyboard shortcuts and of course, Singlish.
Hanisah and Shalih
Shalih: Hanisah, asal tk nampak ko hari ni?
Hanisah: Yo? Entah plak. Aku disappear kot? Criss angel amik aku kot. Nak minang aku kot.
Shalih: Ko byk sgt kot la. Tk taKOT ke? Wakakaka.
Hanisah: KOTex.
Shalih: Hisap bodoh, KOTex. Ko step aku boy-open je.
Hanisah: Kau jgn nak step boy-close la aku tau kau boy-open la. Tampang kang.
Shalih: Ko brani nk tampang aku?
Hanisah: Abeh. Tinggal diri kat stool jek. Settle.
Shalih: Ko jgn nk merepek la. Tkde brg lain eh nk ckp?
Hanisah: Hahaha tampang salah lah. Tampar la selengeh! Baik ah nak bobal melayu tapi tonggang langgang.
Now that ladies and gentlemen, was your typical Mat and Minah conversation. As you can see, malay words used often in our country are getting shorter. It makes it easier for the speaker. The listener may have a bit of problem though. I don't think there's a name for this modified language. Maybe I should name it then. This is, Singlay.
Isa and Shalih
Shalih: Isa, where did you guys disappear to after school?
Isa: Ohh. We went to take a look at the bazzar. U left already?
Shalih: Of course I did, Bro. I went home together with Azhar. He was kinda in a hurry.
Isa: Oohh okie. That's y could'nt find u guys.
Shalih: Yeah! Then think I received a funny sms from you. Hah!
Isa: Ooh the 1 regarding meeting at the bus stop?
Shalih: Hah! Yeah. I took the train home today by the way.
Isa: Oh yea?
Shalih: Yeah. Hey, Bro. Give me a minute. I'll be right back even before you know it.
Isa: Hah! Yea sure.
No comments. Just pure English though with some slangs. Seriously.
Keira and Shalih
Shalih: Keira, y 2day u lyk dun wan 2 talk 2 me lyk tt.
Keira: Eu oso ma. I scared eu stil angry w mi den I dun wana tok to eu.
Shalih: Where gt I stil angry at u? face so cute hw 2 stay angry wan?
Keira: Wahaha!
Shalih: Y u change ur nick wan?
Keira: Change wad? My nick? Where got? Hee!
Shalih: Gt ma. Dun come n lie 2 me can? U took out e "likestheprinceoverhere." U tink I blind ar?
Keira: Hahax! Y lehx? Y cnt change? Hehex!
Shalih: Nth la. I nvr say cnt change ma. I only ask y ma.
Keira: No la. Anywae I oso anihow put tt nick de. No meaning.
That was your typical Beng and Lian conversation. It is full of keyboard shortcuts and of course, Singlish.
Hanisah and Shalih
Shalih: Hanisah, asal tk nampak ko hari ni?
Hanisah: Yo? Entah plak. Aku disappear kot? Criss angel amik aku kot. Nak minang aku kot.
Shalih: Ko byk sgt kot la. Tk taKOT ke? Wakakaka.
Hanisah: KOTex.
Shalih: Hisap bodoh, KOTex. Ko step aku boy-open je.
Hanisah: Kau jgn nak step boy-close la aku tau kau boy-open la. Tampang kang.
Shalih: Ko brani nk tampang aku?
Hanisah: Abeh. Tinggal diri kat stool jek. Settle.
Shalih: Ko jgn nk merepek la. Tkde brg lain eh nk ckp?
Hanisah: Hahaha tampang salah lah. Tampar la selengeh! Baik ah nak bobal melayu tapi tonggang langgang.
Now that ladies and gentlemen, was your typical Mat and Minah conversation. As you can see, malay words used often in our country are getting shorter. It makes it easier for the speaker. The listener may have a bit of problem though. I don't think there's a name for this modified language. Maybe I should name it then. This is, Singlay.
Isa and Shalih
Shalih: Isa, where did you guys disappear to after school?
Isa: Ohh. We went to take a look at the bazzar. U left already?
Shalih: Of course I did, Bro. I went home together with Azhar. He was kinda in a hurry.
Isa: Oohh okie. That's y could'nt find u guys.
Shalih: Yeah! Then think I received a funny sms from you. Hah!
Isa: Ooh the 1 regarding meeting at the bus stop?
Shalih: Hah! Yeah. I took the train home today by the way.
Isa: Oh yea?
Shalih: Yeah. Hey, Bro. Give me a minute. I'll be right back even before you know it.
Isa: Hah! Yea sure.
No comments. Just pure English though with some slangs. Seriously.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
You know, they say if you are not successful in keeping a pet for a year and a plant for 2 years, then you are not ready enough to handle a girl boy relationship. Well that is hard for me to swallow because it is not convincing enough to me. Maybe they should change the sentence somehow. Maybe they should change it to, "They say if you are not successful in keeping your blog updated once a day, then you are not ready enough to handle a girl boy relationship." Now that is believable and of course, sensible.
For the past few weeks, so far, I have been working hard for the brand new semester and lately, worrying for Khadijah who has been a sick girlfriend. She has got bronchitis if that is how you spell it. Her stomach muscles are drilled everyime when she coughs and she has phlegm hanging around at the junction where the trachea and the oesophagus meets. Well I am no doctor but using my biological sense to analyse it, I think the phlegm jammed the epiglottis, must be. For those of you who know nothing, what I was talking about, it was somewhere near the throat. I hope she gets better soon because I miss her a lot. I wanna ask her out for a movie when she recovers.
Anyways, sigh, I feel older. No. I just feel old. I am getting tired. I am wearing out. Emotionally, mentally and physically. I think my right knee would not let me play soccer in a few months time. Oh no. I am going to be like my dad.
What has dad been doing you ask? Well I don't know but I do know that my life has been hectic and I need to straighten up nowadays. I am trying my best and there are no results still. All I need is an organiser for my life.
What do you think I should do?
For the past few weeks, so far, I have been working hard for the brand new semester and lately, worrying for Khadijah who has been a sick girlfriend. She has got bronchitis if that is how you spell it. Her stomach muscles are drilled everyime when she coughs and she has phlegm hanging around at the junction where the trachea and the oesophagus meets. Well I am no doctor but using my biological sense to analyse it, I think the phlegm jammed the epiglottis, must be. For those of you who know nothing, what I was talking about, it was somewhere near the throat. I hope she gets better soon because I miss her a lot. I wanna ask her out for a movie when she recovers.
Anyways, sigh, I feel older. No. I just feel old. I am getting tired. I am wearing out. Emotionally, mentally and physically. I think my right knee would not let me play soccer in a few months time. Oh no. I am going to be like my dad.
What has dad been doing you ask? Well I don't know but I do know that my life has been hectic and I need to straighten up nowadays. I am trying my best and there are no results still. All I need is an organiser for my life.
What do you think I should do?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
They're Able To Talk! Again!
It was a sunny day and I was walking down a crowded street. I heard some laughters in the front and that's when I saw Muhsin and Hasri, walking the opposite way and from what I know, these two chaps are mutes. So as we're getting closer, I was getting ready to smile at the guys.
"Muhsin! Muhsin!" I shouted while waving my hands to catch his attention but Hasri saw me first. He then approached me.
"Eh, Shalih! Amacam? Kau nak gi mana?" said Hasri. After hearing his first sentence, I think I was already shitting my pants! Hasri's actually talking to me! I couldn't believe it! I then tried to straighten up, acting normal.
"Eh, kau okay tak?" said Hasri in a concerned tone of voice. I was like nodding and smiling.
"Muhsin! Oi! Tunggu lah. Shalih ni. Terserempak pulak," shouted Hasri. Muhsin stopped and then waved at me and I waved back. He was busy reading the Newpaper. Sports section, must be.
"I know. I know asal kau macam gini," said Hasri while tapping my back. I'm glad that Hasri know what's going on. Just like you, I was eager to know how they're able to talk normally again.
Then he came close to my ear and said, "Talking pills lah. Can last for 5 hours, siol. Power dok!" Talking pills? Is there such stuff in the market? I stared at him with a confused mind.
"Shalih, dah lah. Aku ngan Muhsin dah lambat ni. We go first ah? Selamat!" said Hasri as we exchange hand gestures.
"Oi mangkok! Dah lah! Kita dah lambat ni!" shouted Hasri at Muhsin. Both of them turn back and waved goodbye to me and I did the same.
I wasn't able to get used to their talking though and their looks doesn't suit them talking in malay slangs. It was somewhat a funny experience though nonetheless and of course, this was just another weird dream of mine.
"Muhsin! Muhsin!" I shouted while waving my hands to catch his attention but Hasri saw me first. He then approached me.
"Eh, Shalih! Amacam? Kau nak gi mana?" said Hasri. After hearing his first sentence, I think I was already shitting my pants! Hasri's actually talking to me! I couldn't believe it! I then tried to straighten up, acting normal.
"Eh, kau okay tak?" said Hasri in a concerned tone of voice. I was like nodding and smiling.
"Muhsin! Oi! Tunggu lah. Shalih ni. Terserempak pulak," shouted Hasri. Muhsin stopped and then waved at me and I waved back. He was busy reading the Newpaper. Sports section, must be.
"I know. I know asal kau macam gini," said Hasri while tapping my back. I'm glad that Hasri know what's going on. Just like you, I was eager to know how they're able to talk normally again.
Then he came close to my ear and said, "Talking pills lah. Can last for 5 hours, siol. Power dok!" Talking pills? Is there such stuff in the market? I stared at him with a confused mind.
"Shalih, dah lah. Aku ngan Muhsin dah lambat ni. We go first ah? Selamat!" said Hasri as we exchange hand gestures.
"Oi mangkok! Dah lah! Kita dah lambat ni!" shouted Hasri at Muhsin. Both of them turn back and waved goodbye to me and I did the same.
I wasn't able to get used to their talking though and their looks doesn't suit them talking in malay slangs. It was somewhat a funny experience though nonetheless and of course, this was just another weird dream of mine.