Minor Stuff Lar Alamak...
Hey, guys. I bet you don't like it when someone is not comfortable with some situation and they don't say so as early as possible? Hmm. They think that it's a problem to say out their preferable desires but honestly, I think that their desires are too small to be said out.
Look, no matter how small they are, they might just be more important than you think, alright? Stop craving for meager satisfactions. Stop being submissive. Just take a look inside, ask the right questions and then voice out. You'll get the right answers and maybe some respect. Sigh. Mood's down today. I'm telling you so you'll know exactly what to expect and when to leave me alone. Gotta keep to my safety zone and surround myself with positive people. Hanisah and Noor are out cold today. Minor stuff lar alamak...
Anyways, I've been swimming alone at night at the complex. It's fun. The sound of the water going into the drain all around the pool. Not many swimmers around. Ahhh, how peaceful and quiet can it get? I tried timing my breath hold under water and I got 2.33 minutes. I did some improvision you know. I took a few breaths, diffused my temper as well and then I went down again, closing my eyes this time. Paying attention to the sound of water, I got 3.03 minutes. Heh.
Oh by the way, my team's project got the highest marks overall. I wasn't quite expecting it so it was pretty stunning. After all that work, along with what we've been dealing with lately like having common tests and having many other assignments to complete, we know we've earned it. Azhar, Bing Cheng, nice working with you guys...
Look, no matter how small they are, they might just be more important than you think, alright? Stop craving for meager satisfactions. Stop being submissive. Just take a look inside, ask the right questions and then voice out. You'll get the right answers and maybe some respect. Sigh. Mood's down today. I'm telling you so you'll know exactly what to expect and when to leave me alone. Gotta keep to my safety zone and surround myself with positive people. Hanisah and Noor are out cold today. Minor stuff lar alamak...
Anyways, I've been swimming alone at night at the complex. It's fun. The sound of the water going into the drain all around the pool. Not many swimmers around. Ahhh, how peaceful and quiet can it get? I tried timing my breath hold under water and I got 2.33 minutes. I did some improvision you know. I took a few breaths, diffused my temper as well and then I went down again, closing my eyes this time. Paying attention to the sound of water, I got 3.03 minutes. Heh.
Oh by the way, my team's project got the highest marks overall. I wasn't quite expecting it so it was pretty stunning. After all that work, along with what we've been dealing with lately like having common tests and having many other assignments to complete, we know we've earned it. Azhar, Bing Cheng, nice working with you guys...

At 11:45 PM ,
Pablo said...
i tink u did most of the work. job well done shalih
At 9:41 AM ,
DOINK said...
sometimes i just hate you so bad. when i ask for an artwork of yours truly me, tak pernah dapat. kalau dapat pon, tak cantik. but when you do for others, it just make me so mad rasanya macam nak pecah2kan screen komputer. dat bad, huh.
At 9:55 AM ,
Muhammad Shalih said...
to pablo van azhar:
thanks, bro. we did well...
to all the the things she said:
wanna hate me for what? it's all based on timing and inpirations, okay?? you can't just ask me to be creative straight away, right?? wah piangz... (frustrated)
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