Gee, I Could've Thought Of Dat!
Tired of taking crowded elavators? Sick of standing in crowded buses?
Here's the solution. Get yourself some...
B.O Deodorant!
Step 1: Spray some B.O Deodorant on yourself.
Step 2: Then watch them flee for their lives when you step into a crowded elavator, bus and cinema!
B.O deodarant comes in various scents: The Stinko (Bestseller), Dead Rat, Durian Smell and Toilet Smell.
Order now and we'll include a FREE Anti Mother-In-Law Deodorant. Guaranteed to discourage them from coming over for visits.
Your cost $19.99!
To order call:
1900 345 0007
or write to:
B.O Deodorant
PO Box 008
Phewlaphew Road
Singapore 139001
Send money order. Major
credit cards also accepted.
Here's the solution. Get yourself some...
B.O Deodorant!
Step 1: Spray some B.O Deodorant on yourself.
Step 2: Then watch them flee for their lives when you step into a crowded elavator, bus and cinema!
B.O deodarant comes in various scents: The Stinko (Bestseller), Dead Rat, Durian Smell and Toilet Smell.
Order now and we'll include a FREE Anti Mother-In-Law Deodorant. Guaranteed to discourage them from coming over for visits.
Your cost $19.99!
To order call:
1900 345 0007
or write to:
B.O Deodorant
PO Box 008
Phewlaphew Road
Singapore 139001
Send money order. Major
credit cards also accepted.

At 12:52 PM ,
DOINK said...
Hahaha. Wishful thinking.
I like my dotter's pic in here. She looks so CUNNING. Hah!
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