Wednesday, February 16, 2005


desolate, bleak, silent, dark
empty victorian houses lay unoccupied for centuries
a lone being pads the dusty cobbled stones
searching for a sign
of any living, breathing thing
the very existence of his soul
seems to bring light shining thru
every step he takes
seems to ignite the whole town
bursting each stone path into a brief spark
every silent step he took
shuffling his feet down the path
seems to bring laughter and merriment
glowing wid warmth, shivering by the cold
he continues his search
relentlessly peering into windows
searching, finding, wondering
wat happened to this place
abandoned for decades
hidden by the fogs
unknown to anyone alive
except him
with thoughts running thru his mind
occupied with the task at hand
his feet found some form of evidence
of existence
a bone
a large bone
could be a human bone
as his ice cold fingers touched the surface of the bone
a sudden eerie silence creeped up to him
seeping straight into his bones
threathening him to scream and run in fear
but he held on..
he held on to the bone
and continued walking to the thick fog
and never looked back..


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